Intel released their latest microarchitecture, the Nehalem-based Core i7 platform, in November of last year. Its taken until now, however, for some manufacturers to jump into the game and this time its HP, with their new Pavilion Elite m9600t. Competitors like Dell and Gateway both released their own Core i7 systems last fall; is HP too late or right on time? Read on for our full review.
FULL STORY (4,999 Reads) DISCUSSION (5 Replies)Intel released their latest microarchitecture, the Nehalem-based Core i7 platform, in November of last year. Its taken until now, however, for some manufacturers to jump into the game and this time its HP, with their new Pavilion Elite m9600t. Competitors like Dell and Gateway both released their own Core i7 systems last fall; is HP too late or right on time? Read on for our full review.
FULL STORY (4,999 Reads) DISCUSSION (5 Replies)
FULL STORY (4,999 Reads) DISCUSSION (5 Replies)Intel released their latest microarchitecture, the Nehalem-based Core i7 platform, in November of last year. Its taken until now, however, for some manufacturers to jump into the game and this time its HP, with their new Pavilion Elite m9600t. Competitors like Dell and Gateway both released their own Core i7 systems last fall; is HP too late or right on time? Read on for our full review.
FULL STORY (4,999 Reads) DISCUSSION (5 Replies)
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